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Weeks 6-7 // Solution Convergence

This two weeks were the beginning of our solution decision process.

Our ideation journey continued with a tagline workshop - we had to generate four different taglines to a yet unknow product with assistance of about 100 associated words we provided. This exercise make us think of the persona of our product for the first time, in purpose to inspire us to think more design and product oriented.


After the taglines exercise we continued to think about our product's use case and scenario.

Our main decision was to choose the exact period of time our user meets the technology - one approach was to encourage the users to use our product before a cyberbullying occasion occurs, in order to increase the user's mental strength to prepare him better to the upcoming event.

The second approach was to intervene on time - just right after the user experienced a cyberbullying occasion, and just before he reacts.

We thought that the second approach answers our HMW question better, and represents a more focused problem about the victims dealing process, therefore we chose the user's meeting with our technological solution will be in real time on a cyberbullying event.


Our leading solution right now is to develop a virtual physical coacher that enable the victim to consult and receive suggestions for actions according to the specific cyberbullying he experienced.

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